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2020 has been a challenge for the whole world and for the Armenian nation in particular. We became subject to losses and oppression, strife and injustice by remembering and reliving the past.

Unlike other nations, the Armenians have evolved preserving their identity and, in the meantime, finding compromises with the surrounding peoples and their cultures.

It is the human capital that has been and remains the most valuable and important resource for the preservation of our nation. We can talk a lot about Armenian philosophers, scientists and artists – these personalities, scattered around the globe because of historical realities, are a kind of “bridge” connecting Armenia and the international community. They represent our values to the world and bring elements of our culture to the treasury of the global society.

The year was not easy for all of us. However, we have no right to despair, humble ourselves and simply exist, leaving the next generations a legacy with a bitter taste of loss.

If at any point of history, one of the Armenian generations didn’t stand for its identity, there would be no present generation.

Notwithstanding the losses, we should give birth, cultivate, nurture, educate, instruct and lead new generations of scientists, philosophers, poets, artists, musicians, athletes and worthy people ready to work and live for the good of Armenia.

2021 should be the beginning of preservation, progress and dissemination of national and cultural values – for the sake of future generations.

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas. 

Armenian Assembly